News from Rob & Kathy

Dear family and friends,
We’ve lived in Georgia for a year now. The Lord has helped us in our many adjustments.
The biggest blessing of living here is being closer to the kids. Elizabeth, Ben, Becky and their families live in the area. Susie and Patrick live in Illinois where Patrick pastors.
During all our years in León, Kathy had only a postage stamp yard. Now, she has space and has worked hard on beautiful flower gardens in front and in back of our house.
We are thankful to have found a warm Hispanic church not too far from Winder.
Here are a few highlights from the last months.
In September, I travelled to Louisville, Kentucky, to teach a class in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. The class was in Spanish, led by an all Hispanic coordinating team. Many of the students (by Zoom and in person) were from Cuba and Venezuela. It was a joy to share how God has been at work in the last 2,000 years as the gospel has spread to more and more peoples.
In January, my brother Carl invited me to have a small part in an online workshop in Spanish to equip future Perspectives instructors. We trust the Lord will continue to use this course to mobilize Hispanic believers to participate in God’s global plans.
This spring, Kathy mailed about fifty Muslim World Prayer Guides to invite people to pray for Muslims during the thirty days of Ramadan. We also gave the kids’ version to our grandchildren. If you want to check out this great resource for next year, go to
In April and in June, Steve, Carl, and I teamed up with two Mexican pastors to lead online regional workshops (a total of four Saturday evenings) for pastors in central Mexico. Our purpose was to equip them to train people in their churches to serve the Lord. Our prayer is that God would raise up dozens of faithful men in these churches to serve alongside their pastors.
The last several months, I have taught an Old Testament survey class via Zoom on Saturday mornings to eleven students from the Mexico City area. Two of them are bi-vocational pastors. Several are twenty somethings. I am glad to help equip these pastors and a younger generation to minister in their churches. (Amazingly, no one has missed a class yet, except for work!)
We are very grateful for good health and the opportunity to serve the Lord. God has been so good to us. Thanks for your prayer and financial support.
In Christ,